2018 Mizuno Devonport Half Marathon2018-08-12T22:42:56+00:00

About the Mizuno Devonport Half Marathon

Run or Walk in Auckland’s most beautiful suburb.

Welcome to the Mizuno Devonport Half Marathon. This is your chance to run or walk among heritage streets, past fabulous beaches and enjoy the stunning views to be had in Auckland’s most beautiful suburb! Race HQ is Windsor Reserve, right in the heart of Devonport Village and looking straight across the Waitemata Harbour towards the Auckland city skyline. The Devonport ferry terminal is a stone’s throw away and Devonport’s many cafes and eateries are right across the road from the finish line.

Event distances go from the superb, single lap, Half Marathon all the way down to a 2km kids’ dash, so there’s an option to suit everyone and no-one gets left out. All courses embark on a scenic, tour of this wonderful peninsula.

The Devonport Half Marathon is Race One of the Mizuno Auckland Half Marathon Series, a season-long challenge featuring five awesome events at five stunning locations. Accumulate points in the Half Marathon Series, Classic Series or Kids Dash Series leading up to our season finale in April 2017.
If you have the Auckland Marathon on your play list for this season, you’ll find the Devonport Half Marathon is strategically placed exactly four weeks out, making it the perfect tune-up for the big day. The special 15k option is the ideal tester for those in the half marathon.

For those with more modest ambitions, this is just a great way to discover the beaches, cafes, reserves and historic neighbourhoods of this fabulous area.


Enter Now

Let’s do this! Sign up for the Mizuno Devonport Half Marathon here …

Mizuno Auckland Half Marathon Series
The Mizuno Devonport Half Marathon is Race One of the Mizuno Auckland Half Marathon Series. Why not take on all five events in the series and save with a Series Pass entry? For more info, click here.

Entry Fees

Half Marathon

  • Until 23 Sep | Fee Info
  • 14 yrs & over

15km Hit Out

  • Until 23 Sep | Fee Info
  • No age restrictions

10km Classic

  • Until 23 Sep | Fee Info
  • No age restrictions

5km Run/Walk

  • Until 23 Sep | Fee Info
  • No age restrictions

2km Kids' Dash

  • Until 23 Sep | Fee Info
  • Ages 3 – 10 yrs

Family 5K Pass

  • 2 Adults/1 Child | Fee Info
  • Extra Child (U16) $10

Your Entry Includes …

  • Superb Race Organisation
  • Finisher Medal

  • Fully Pimped Out Race Number
  • Running Events Gift

  • Electronic Timing & Instant Results

Race Information

A comprehensive guide to the Mizuno Devonport Half Marathon.

Race Day: September 30th 2018

Venue: Windsor Reserve, Devonport

Start Times

10k & 15k Start – 7:45am
Half Marathon Start – 8:00am
5K Fun Run Start – 9:30am
Kids Dash Start – 10:30am

Race Guide

The Race Guide is a comprehensive document in PDF format which you can download and store on your smart device – or go old school and print it out. It contains a summary of all the important information to make sure you get the most out of your event experience. The Race Guide will be available for download here two weeks out from the event. Don’t miss it!

Important Dates

Date Details
28 May 2018 Online registration opens.
22 Jul 2018 Earlybird entry rates expire.
02 Sep 2018 Last opportunity to claim 50% refund for withdrawal.
02 Sep 2018 Last chance to claim free delivery of your race number.
23 Sep 2018 Family entry packages expire.
24 Sep 2018 Race Week entry rates apply.
29 Sep 2018 4-5pm: Pre-race registration at the event venue.
29 Sep 2018 9pm: Online registration closes (if not already sold out)
30 Sep 2018 Race Day!

Race Day Schedule

Time Details
6:30am Late entry & race day registration opens
7:40am Compulsory race briefing – 10K Classic & 15K Hit Out
7:45am RACE START 10K Classic & 15K Hit Out
7:48am RACE START 10KM Competitive Walk
7:50am Compulsory race briefing – Half Marathon
8:00am RACE START 21K
8:03am RACE START 21K Competitive Walk
9:15am Compulsory race briefing – 5km (@ Main Stage)
9:20am 5K – Walk to start line (Clarence St is 650m from race site)
9:30am RACE START 5K Fun Run & Walk
10:15am Compulsory race briefing – Kids’ Dash (@ Main Stage)
10:25am Move to start line (Ferry Terminal)
10:30am RACE START 2km Kids’ Dash
11:00am Awards ceremony and spot prizes
11:30am CLOSE Event Concludes

Mizuno Technical Event T-shirt

Title sponsor, Mizuno, have put together a great t-shirt package for you to celebrate your participation in the event. You can order your t-shirt during the entry process or – if you change your mind later – click on “Athlete Log In” at the top of the page and you can add one to your cart. Don’t delay, however, because sizes are limited and these shirts normally sell out. You will be able to pick up your t-shirt, and any other merchandise you ordered, from the registration tent on race day.

Cost: $40


Chest (cm) 89-96 97-104 105-112 113-120 121-127

Race Number

It is a requirement of your participation in the event that you wear your race number on the front of your shirt at all times whilst taking part. Your number should be secured to your shirt by a safety pin in each corner (if you don’t have any, come to the Registration desk on race morning). Your electronic timing tag is attached to the back of your race number so be careful not to crease, crush or puncture it.

Pimp Your Bib!
When you register, you will have the opportunity to select a nickname to print on your race number. Feel free to be creative – but please keep it clean folks! If you don’t select a nickname, your first name will be printed instead. If you prefer to fly under the radar – or you want to get creative with a sharpie – just put a full stop in the nickname field and we will leave it blank.

Important! Race numbers are printed in two batches. The first batch is sent to print approximately 28 days prior to the event and will include everyone registered in the event at that time. The second batch is sent to print 3-4 days before the event and includes everyone registered up to that time. Note that once your race number has been printed, it is no longer possible to change the printing. If you transfer your entry to another person and your race number has already been printed, your name will still appear on there.

Important! Please don’t lose your race number. Replacement numbers are $10.

Timing Tag

When you receive your race number, your electronic timing tag will be attached to the back. We are using disposable stick-on timing tags this year. We are sure you will appreciate the convenience of not having to attach a plastic tag to your shoes and then return it at the finish. All you have to remember is to secure your race number to the front of your shirt and you’re all set. Try to avoid holding your arm in front of the number as you cross the finish line (e.g. to turn off your watch) as this can sometimes affect the tag reading. Just wait until a few steps after the timing mat.

Important! There is no need to return your timing tag.

Important! Keep your race number with you when you finish as we will use it to register you in the prize draw for the Awards Ceremony – see below.

Finisher Medal

Everyone who finishes the Devonport Half Marathon – irrespective of distance – will receive an exclusive commemorative Finisher Dog Tag. We award a dog tag medal at our Devonport event as it is in keeping with the many military institutions in the area (many representatives of whom take part in the event).

Mizuno Auckland Half Marathon Series (AHMS)
Additionally, as this event is part of the Mizuno Auckland Half Marathon Series, all finishers in the half marathon distance will also receive an AHMS finisher token. Each person who earns all five tokens in a single season (meaning they have personally finished the 21km distance at Devonport, Omaha, Coatesville, Maraetai and Waterfront Half Marathons) will receive an amazing Grand Slam mega-medal as a memento of your superb achievement. Each of your finisher tokens fits inside the Grand Slam medal to make the ultimate runner’s blingfest!

Road Closures

The Mizuno Devonport Half Marathon employs two minor road closures around the race site to help ensure that all participants get the best experience on race day.

  • From 7am to 8:30am, Victoria Road will be closed from Clarence Street until shortly before the ferry terminal
  • From 6am to 11am, King Edward Parade will be closed from Victoria Road to Buchanan Street

Running Events would like to place on record our thanks to Auckland Council, Auckland Transport and the local Devonport residents for bearing the inconvenience caused to allow the event to take place in a safe and enjoyable environment.


It is important to note that much of the street parking in the centre of Devonport has a one-hour time limit. If you are thinking you might just take your chances on a Sunday morning … Do Not. Auckland Transport have already informed us that traffic wardens will patrol the area on race morning specifically to discourage this. So please, please, don’t give yourself a nasty headache to come back to after the event.

If you are parking, arrive at the venue in plenty of time and expect a 10-15 minute walk from your parking space to the finish line. Try for un-metered street parking on the major roads; King Edward Parade (east of Buchanan St), Queens Parade (west of Anne St) or up on Calliope Rd. You may also find street parking in the residential streets outside of the centre. These words are our best guess only – you are fully responsible for your own decisions. Please be sure to check parking signs and comply with the parking rules posted – or expect a shock when you return to your vehicle.

Spot Prizes & Merit Awards

The event will conclude with an Awards Ceremony where we will acknowledge some of the excellent performances on the day, as well as giving away thousands of dollars of spot prizes from our sponsors. The ceremony will take place on the main stage at the venue. See the Race Day Schedule for times.

Spot Prizes

We have many wonderful spot prizes to give away including vouchers for Mizuno shoe vouchers and the Garmin Forerunner GPS sports watches. The grand prize is a big screen TV. Remember – you must be present at the prize giving to claim your prize. Only those who scan their timing tags at the spot prize timing point will be eligible to win a prize. The prize draw timing point will be activated approximately 15-20 minutes before the ceremony – listen out for announcements. All you have to do is walk across the timing mat with your race number and you will be registered in the draw. Easy as!

Important! In the event of inclement weather, we may elect to cancel the Awards Ceremony. Listen out for announcements on the PA or check out our Facebook page. If this does happen, all prize winners will be announced on our Facebook page and prizes will be couriered out to them.

Merit Awards

Beautiful glass trophies will be awarded to:

  • Top 3 men and women overall in the following events …
    • Half Marathon Run,
    • Half Marathon Competitive Walk,
    • 10K Classic Run,
    • 10K Classic Competitive Walk
    • 5K Fun Run & Walk
  • Top 3 boys and girls in the 2K Dash for …
    • Ages 7 & Under
    • Ages 8 & Over

Important! There are no merit prizes for the 15k event. The 15k distance is a training event for those aiming for the Auckland Marathon.


Thanks to the good guys at Metro Run and the Auckland YMCA club, we will have pacers available to help you reach you race goals. Our pacers will be wearing a black Run More tshirt or singlet and a hydration pack with their target time flag attached. Look out for the coloured flags during the pre-race safety briefing or at the finish line. When you find them – stick to them like glue! Right to the finish line!

Target Time Colour
1’30” White
1’40” Green
1’50” Blue
2’00” Red
2’10” Yellow
2’20” Orange (subject to availability)

Information For Walkers

Running Events welcome walkers in all of our events, irrespective of the distance. Walkers routinely make up around 15-20% of the total field. We take the needs of our walkers seriously and have made changes to how our events operate to allow walkers to be appropriately recognised and accommodated. The notes here will help you, as a walker, to get the most from the event and help familiarise you with our setup for walkers.

Important! In the spirit of fair competition, we ask that all competitors adhere strictly to the rules. Competitive Walkers must not run or jog at any time during the event and must maintain contact with the ground at all times.

Hybrid Walk/Run or Competitive Walk?
When registering for a race distance which includes a competitive walk prize, you will be prompted to identify yourself as Runner, Hybrid Run/Walk or Competitive Walker. If you plan to walk most of the way but want to have the option to jog or run at any point, you should select the hybrid option. If you intend to walk throughout the event and want to measure yourself against other walkers, you should choose the Competitive Walk option.

Important! Hybrid run/walk competitors should start on the same start horn as the runners. For the 21K and 10K distances, Competitive Walk participants should start on the dedicated walkers start which will be three minutes after the main field.

Are There Prizes?
Please see the Merit Awards section for details of prizes. To be eligible for awards, walkers must enter in the Competitive Walk category, start on the Competitive Walk start signal and must only walk during the event.

How Is the Walking Competition Judged?
Unfortunately, we are not able to provide walking judges for our events. Therefore, we rely upon the integrity of those taking part to adhere to the rules of the walking competition and not run or jog at any time. In our experience over the years, we have found that the most common error in the walking competition is where people register as a competitive walker but decide to run on race day. We have worked around this issue by having a dedicated race start for walkers wherever there are Competitive Walk merit prizes at stake.

Important! We do not make judgement calls on disqualifications based on reports from other competitors. Unless advised otherwise by the competitor in question, we trust the integrity of our competitive walkers. In all cases, the Race Director’s decision shall be final.

Event Safety

It is compulsory for all participants to attend, listen to and heed the advice of the safety briefing. Above all else, however, please understand that no roads are closed during the event. You have sole responsibility for your own safety. Do not leave any pavement, cross any road, pass any driveway unless you deem it is safe for you to do so.

Please remind your own spectators that they should not attempt to accompany you in vehicles, bikes or otherwise. They must follow the normal rules of the road to reach vantage points.

Important! A copy of the approved Health & Safety plan is available from Running Events on request.

Course Safety

Remember that other a very small area near the start and finish of the event, all roads are open to the public at all times. Stick to the pavement where one exists and do not cross any intersection unless you have determined to your own satisfaction that it is safe to do so.

Please remember the golden rule … Always give way to vehicles. No matter who has right of way, vehicles always win.

Course & Venue Maps

Know where you’re going … then train to get there. Maps for all race distances and the event venue.

Half Marathon

The spectacular half marathon course takes in all five suburbs of the Devonport peninsula; Devonport, Stanley Point, Bayswater, Belmont and Narrow Neck, during a single-lap course littered with beaches, view points and trails. It is a truly unique urban adventure.

Half Marathon Course Map

10K Classic (& 15k)

This is a quality ten kilometre course which runners will love, with an ideal mix of flats, ups and downs to keep you engaged. Devonport’s gorgeous Victorian houses are the backdrop as you run from beach to reserve, enjoying views of Auckland’s magnificent Waitemata Harbour throughout.
Important! 15k competitors start with and complete the entire 10k classic before continuing on to complete a slightly modified version of the 5k. See the sidebar for maps.

Half Marathon Course Map

5K Fun Run & Walk

What better way to spend a spring Sunday morning than an easy 5k run or walk with your friends? The Devonport Half Marathon 5k features a flat section along Calliope Rd to the spectacular view at the very end of Stanley Point.

Important! The start line for the 5K is a 650 metre walk from the race site via Queens Parade, Anne St and Clarence St. Listen for instructions during the safety briefing at 9:30am.

Half Marathon Course Map

2km Kids’ Dash

We have a great course for the kids to take part on with no road crossings and a half way mark close to the finish area so family and friends can cheer their youngsters on mid-race too. Every kid who finishes receives one of our great Devonport Half Marathon dog tags – ideal for show-and-tell on Monday morning.

Half Marathon Course Map

Venue Map

Windsor Reserve – right on the southern tip of the Devonport Peninsula and next to the ferry terminal – is the place to be on race day for all the action. Check out the location of all the most important facilities – like toilets, toilets and toilets – so you know where to head on race morning.

Half Marathon Course Map

Past Events

Results, photos, video and more from previous editions of the Devonport Half Marathon

“I’ll def be back next year!”

“Awesome run team! The course was challenging in small parts, which kept things very interesting. Each corner, I didn’t know what to expect next so kept my mind off running. Ha ha! I loved having north head as the final slog before the flat 2km run to the finish line. Well organised – you did a great job. I’ll def be back next year!” – Liss Wallace (Half Marathon)

Great event. It was a challenging one, but was worth every moment.

Lev Zhuravsky, Half Marathon

Great venue, challenging 10k. Loved it. Will move onto the 15 next year.

Derek Cowan, 10k Classic

Fantastic event, love the speed of the prizegiving. Set a time for the prizes and it happens on time. Love Running Events events!

Nathan Ireton, 10k Classic




2017 VIDEO

Photo Gallery

Contact Us

Get answers to any question about your next Running Event …

We’d love to hear from you, but first …
… we’ve listed the five questions we get asked most often in the list below. You can save yourself (and us!) a whole heap of time by checking these Questions and Answers to see if this might answer your query. There’s a good chance this will nail it and you’ll be all set!

Your tiktok dashboard allows you to make a variety of changes to your registration without even needing to ask us. How good is that? From within tiktok you can update your contact details, upgrade or downgrade your race selection or transfer your entry to another person. You can also add additional items like t-shirts and iTabs to your registration and pay the extra online. Just click on the LOGIN  link in the menu and log in using the email address and password that you set up during registration. On the left-side menu click on the ‘My Registrations’ option and you will be able to see all your current registrations. Select the one you wish to change and there will be a ‘Make Changes’ button on the following page with a range of options for altering your registration.

Important! tiktok Dashboard will launch soon.

Running Events offer a 50% refund of the entry fee paid to anyone who is unable to take part in one of our events for medical reasons (or a 75% refund in the case of a Series Pass entry). Notification of your intent to withdraw must be made at least one calendar month prior to the event (in the case of a “Series Pass” entry – this must be one month prior to the first event in the series) using the online contact form on the event web site. Unfortunately, we do not offer deferral of race entries to future events under any circumstances.

Full details on our Refund & Transfer policy can be found here.

Important: Please DO NOT ASK for an exception – you are wasting your time and ours. In fairness to all participants, we do not make exceptions to these rules under any circumstances.

Everyone registered in the event more than 4 weeks out from race day can expect to receive their race number (with timing tag attached to the back) 2-3 weeks prior to the event.

Those who registered after this time will need to collect their race number from the venue during race weekend. Check the Info section of the web site for dates, times and locations for Race Packet Pickup.

If you ordered any merchandise, it will be available for collection on race morning from the Merchandise tent.

Our new timing tags are small stickers that can be found on the back of your bib.  The tag sends out a unique UHF signal that identifies the athlete and records the exact time at which the athlete passes the detection mats. The tags are designed to withstand rain and sweat as the mechanical part of the tag is covered by a foam spacer but please don’t fold or bend the bib as this can damage it.  All you need to do is make sure you have your bib attached to the front of your shirt and you’re good to go.

Of course! We love walkers and all of our events are open to runners, joggers and walkers alike. Many of our events offer specific merit prizes, start times and rules for competitive walkers. Please check the event web site and you will find this information on the “Walkers” tab.

The top 5 questions didn’t work?
No worries … just fill in your details and your question below and we’ll get back to you soon. We normally answer emails same business day so you won’t be waiting for long.